Thursday, January 30, 2014

Prop Replica Polaroid Photos

I don't mind adding prop replicas
to my collection in certain instances:
1. photographs & paper items
2. items so *cool* that I'd probably
buy anyway, even if not LOST-related
3. stuff I can get for CHEAP-O (if it reminds me
of LOST and brings a smile to my face - good investment)

*Note - I will always identify an item as being a replica if
that is the case.

I purchased two lots of prop replica items on eBay.
A polaroid picture was included in each of the lots.

The first is the picture of Hurley and "Dave" at Santa Rosa.

The second is Claire showing off her baby bump.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Autograph - Alexandra Tabas

I received an email a couple of weeks ago from
Alexandra Tabas.  She portrayed "Nadine", the
female member of Rousseau's Science Team.
She had stumbled across the entry for
Nadine in 
and offered to send me a signed photo.

Let me pause here to say...
OMG - another LOST cast member actually saw my blog!!!!

(I am not "cool". I get really excited about
things. I would be an awful poker player.
But I am sincere and very appreciative.)

I received the photos a few days ago.  
Ms. Tabas autographed the front of both 
photos and personalized the back.

Thank you so much Alexandra, for taking 
the time to make this LOSTie so happy!