The latest edition to my LOST library
actually only contains one chapter on LOST, but
it is a fantastic chapter!
"The Revolution Was Televised:
The Cops, Crooks, Slingers and Slayers Who Changed TV Drama Forever"
by Alan Sepinwall
covers the groundbreaking dramas of the last 15 years.
Chapter 6 is dedicated to LOST
I read Chapter 6 first...
(hey this is ME we're talking about!)
but the others chapters cover shows
that I am/was also a loyal viewer of:
(I know that is grammatically incorrect,
but don't care. I write like I talk.)
The Sopranos
The Wire*
The Shield
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Battlestar Gallactica
Friday Night Lights
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
*I haven't watched these shows yet, but have The Wire DVDs
ready to go over the holidays.
The interviews with the creators and showrunners
of each drama are insightful, funny and full of terrific
little-known tidbits.
I highly recommend this book to everyone
who loves TV as much as I do.
Hurry, buy it now.